My name is Wendy Bunnell and I help find the patterns of disconnection and help others step into the world of unlimited possibilities and freedom. 

The patterns that seem to be preventing you from that next level of expansion and growth. 

I'm an image

I have been there. I felt stuck for decades in patterns that kept me in a loop of getting the same results. It didn't matter what book, program, or "expert" I hired, the results were never very significant. 

That is because they were not "my" system. I didn't know how to tap into the inner knowing and clarity because it was blocked by too much distraction, external noise, and programs and beliefs from the past. 

When you are connected to yourself, others, and the divine.....

You move into a life of UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES.

You can co-create anything you choose. 

  • Imagine a life where money flows to you instead of you chasing it.
  • Imagine a life where you have energy and excess weight seems to fall off.
  • Imagine a life where you have relationships that are healthy and are free of drama.
  • Imagine a life where you have an inner "knowing" of who you are in this spiritual realm.

The Illuminate Your Essence Transformational program is designed to help you:

  • Learn how to master your intuition
  • Learn how to manifest like a boss
  • Learn how to have more while doing less
  • Learn how to love what is and feel content and peace
  • Learn how to have close relationships full of love and respect

It is your Birthright to Know and Embody these Principles.

It is simply Awakening and Remembering what they are.

I am looking for individuals who are ready for this life. I will walk you through each stage of understanding and guide you back to the connection that is yours for the taking. 

What you'll get:

  • Experience starts at a retreat location of your choice. The upcoming options include:
  • 16 Weeks of Group Mentoring after Retreat
    • Learn how to apply principles upon returning to "real life" and the 3D world.
  • Weekly Voxer/Marco Polo Access Directly to Me
  • Emotional Intelligence Technology using Voice Analysis (Daily)
I'm an image

I have limited room in each of my programs and keep the numbers small so that long lasting positive results can be experienced. This opportunity is reserved for individuals that are starting to understand that they are not victims but victors- and always have been


If your heart is beating fast.... and you are connecting to this opportunity, I invite you to click the link below for your desired location and date to find out more details. 

I am honored to be on this journey with you.....

Let's Do This 

Illuminate Your Essence....Are you Ready to Return to Wholeness?

**Prices vary with location. Payment arrangements are available.